Flip Corpus
2003 Updates and Uploads
Home | Flip's Closet | Who is Flip? | Where is Flip? | Where's Flip been? | Where's the race? | What's Flip done?

November 27'03
I'm sorry I haven't been able to update the site regularly, I've been very busy lately.  For now, please feel free to browse though the site, and if you're searching for info on the upcoming races such as Puerto Carrera, Ex-tri, and the National Duathlon Championships, check out "Where's the Race?"

October 29'03
The race calendar has been updated, now also containing information on the upcoming Puerto Carrera.  "Where's the Race?"
October 16'03
Some people were surprised that I wasn't at the NAGT-Alabang race, and a select few knew where I was.  And by now, the secret is out.  You want to find out where I was for a few weeks before the Enduraman?  Check out "Where's Flip Been?"
Most Recently Updated Photos:
October 15'03
I'm sorry to be a bit late with my uploads, but I've somewhat updated my photo gallery.  Plus, there are more race updates, registration forms and schedules; from running, to the upcoming AXN Challenge, and Ex-tri.  All at "Where's the Race?"
Recently Updated Photos:
Gabriel Symphony Bike/Run
UPLB Sprint Triathlon'03
Check it out at "Where's Flip Been?"
October 9'03
Oh my lord!  This may be the only time that I wished I wasn't in preparation for the Enduraman!  Why you may ask?  Have you ever wondered about what makes Australian triathletes the fastest in the world?  The answer, F1 triathlon!  And in a few days, our shores will take it one step further, actually 4 steps further!  Curious?!?
And for those wondering about how to register for the Avia 10K, the organizer is RACE.  You can find their details listed on the site.
Check it out at "Where's the Race?"


August 25'03
I officially started training last August 18, so my sked has been quite erratic.  But training has given me an opportunity to test out some of the latest gear that's out there.  For the product tests and my reviews on it, check out "Flip's Closet".
August 15'03
The Manila leg of the Milo Marathon is coming up, and I know that a lot of you are being bitten by the running bug.  I've got some stuff that may help you out with the race and your running carrers.  And have you ever wondered what in the world is "foot biometrics"?  Find out now, and make it work for you.  Just a taste of What's New on the site and in "Flip's Tips".

I've got a ton of photos from past races and other events, I'm sure a lot of you guys are in them.  They're all in the 'Where's Flip been?' section.  Stay tuned for updates when the uploads are complete.
Most recently uploaded photos: August 28'03
Cebu NTT weekend 2003
Uploaded photos: August 25'03
Asian Duathlon Championships '02
Adidas King of The Road '02
San Mig Light-MBS UP Diliman Triathlon'02
Makiling 10k 2002
Uploaded photos:  August 14'03
Rare Vintage Car
Half-IM 2001
Iloilo NTT and Guimaras 2002
TLP-Mabini 2002
Subic Triathlon 2002
UPLB Sprint 2002
Uploaded photos:  August 13'03
Alabang Sprint Triathlon 2002
Raul's Bday Bikeout and My 1st Bikeout 2002
Milo 42K and hanging at 2nd Wind 2002
Alabang Duathlon 2002
Pasig Heritage 42K 2003
TLP-Mabini Triathlon 2003
DelMonte 202 Quest on Gameplan
August 13'03
For those dying to get their racing muscles goin on, or just wondering which races to watch and give support to, I've added a race calendar section.  It has general info on races that spark my interest, including extreme sports (Me and my friends were already getting kicked out of Greenbelt Park for skateboarding when we were only 12 years old).  Party on peeps, and see ya at the races!